
  • Drive-In College Decision Day Celebration

    Drive-In College Decision Day Celebration

    CBA welcomed members of the Class of 2020 to a Drive-In College Decision Day Celebration on May 1. Seniors, dressed in their college choice t-shirts, and their families pulled up in front of the school, as Principal Matt Keough and Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs Steve Garraffo, along with senior teachers David Roache, Todd Benware, Vin Horan, Gretchen Pledger and Colin Conroy, and Director of Admissions Holly Dowd applauded each senior as they got out of their cars. The seniors took

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  • May 5 is a Day of Giving: #BrothersStrong

    May 5 is a Day of Giving: #BrothersStrong

    CBA Day of Giving 2020: #BrothersStrong Here’s how you can help: Join TogetherPost a message on the CBA Day of Giving message board to honor the Class of 2020, a special student, a faculty member, or a classmate.go to: click on the plus sign to add your message. Post a picture in your Purple & Gold and tag us: #BrothersStrong. Make a Gift to the Fund for CBAYour support helps ensure that our current and new families continue to benefit from the o

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  • Daily Prayer

    Daily Prayer

    Each day, senior Matthew Doane and his younger siblings deliver the Daily Prayer. Daily Prayer May 4-May 8 Daily Prayer April 27-May 1 Daily Prayer April 20-April 24 Daily Prayer April 13-17

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  • Arts, Athletics, Fashion…#BrothersStrong

    Arts, Athletics, Fashion…#BrothersStrong

    CBA’s Fine Arts, Athletics Departments and students in the Social Media and Marketing Club are keeping our students connected through this pandemic. The members of the Select Chorus can’t be together physically, but that didn’t stop them from putting together this beautiful version of Miley Cyrus’ The Climb: No school means no sports. Director of Athletics and head varsity basketball coach Buddy Wleklinski and the varsity coaches delivered inspirational messages to the student-athletes in

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  • Spreading Positive Thoughts And Gratitude

    Spreading Positive Thoughts And Gratitude

    Sophomore Delaney Hayden Sophomore Delaney Hayden has recently launched a positivity and gratitude challenge. Similar to the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge from a few years ago, Hayden is attempting to promote positivity and spread gratitude to everyone in the world who is fighting the Coronavirus, or who has been impacted by it to some extent. “The Whose Shoes Mile Challenge” asks people to walk, run, bike, swim, roll (if in a wheelchair or any other device with wheels), drive, or do anything they

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  • Edick Finalist In Shakespeare Competition; Four Students Recognized By Syracuse Stage

    Edick Finalist In Shakespeare Competition; Four Students Recognized By Syracuse Stage

    Junior Emilee Edick is a National Finalist in the ESU Shakespeare Competition. Edick won the CBA competition, and then advanced to the New York State competition, where she was victorious there. She is now competing against 48 other state winners in the National Competition. Due to the pandemic, Edick won’t be able to experience the full treatment of going to New York City to compete at Lincoln Center. Edick has filmed her sonnet (Sonnet 11) and monologue (Phoebe, from As You Like It) and s

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  • Distance Doesn’t Stop Brothers From Being Connected

    Distance Doesn’t Stop Brothers From Being Connected

    Distance learning hasn’t kept the CBA community from being apart. The school has certainly remained connected through this pandemic by prayer, learning, and our digital world. Each morning senior Matthew Doane (along with his younger siblings) has delivered the daily prayer. The prayer is written by various students and videoed by senior Janelle Little. Prayers March 30-April 3: CBA teachers have stepped ou

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  • Junior High Students Qualify For History Bee

    Junior High Students Qualify For History Bee

    Seventh Graders Front row (l-r): Connor Radley, Soren Kang, Ethan Day, Thomas Menar, RJ Murphy, Keira Kennedy, Lily Barrett, Marielle Emmanuel, Harriet Dweh. Second row (l-r): Tim Scholl, Andrew Paciga, Luke Snyder, Zoie Whelan, Eliana Occhino, Eve Oakes, Sophie Wolniak, Ava Myers, Jewell Fernandez. Third row (l-r): Jake Bartlett, David Curry, Colin Krupa, Olivia Duester, Jessica Khairallah, Carly Tousley, Janie Kang, Zoe Thayer, Charli Walma, Julie Zdep. Fourth row (l-r): Jack Ludington, Chri

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  • Lasallian Digital Retreat Day-Living The Lasallian Star

    Lasallian Digital Retreat Day-Living The Lasallian Star

    Monday, March 30 is Lasallian Digital Retreat Day. Digital Retreat Day is a day when students are encouraged to disconnect from technology, and instead, replace that time with opportunities to reflect on, and live out, the core principles of Lasallian Education. There will be no assignments from teachers on this day and no structured class time. Monday, is the “remote” version of the grade level retreats that all students experience at CBA. Here is the day’s activities: Lasallian Digital Retrea

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  • Fall Semester Honor Roll

    Fall Semester Honor Roll

    Students in grades 9-12 were named to the High Honor or Honor Roll for the Fall semester. Students who had a semester GPA of 93 or above with no individual course semester grade below 85 achieved High Honors. Students who had a semester GPA of 90 or above with no individual course semester grade below 80 achieved Honors. 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade

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