Apply To CBA


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Information for Future CBA Applicants 

We welcome you and your child to explore the option of a CBA education and investigate if our Lasallian philosophy of teaching is the best fit for your family!

CBA does not offer a "rolling admissions" program. Please make careful note of the dates, deadlines and requirements described below to choose what application option best suits your family's needs. 

CBA Entrance Exam

The CBA Entrance Exam is both a scholarship and admittance exam and is a requirement for all 7th and 9th grade applicants for the Fall of 2025. The exam is purchased and graded by a national testing company and administered in small classroom groups by CBA teachers. The exam topics include English, reading comprehension and mathematics. A short essay question is included at the end of our exam so we may also read an original writing sample from the applicants.

The CBA Entrance Exam is one portion of an applicant's profile. Great consideration is also given to a student's written application, report cards, teacher comments, activities and interests and so on. We are eager to learn about the "whole child" through our admissions process. We want to welcome and include future Brothers who will work towards being "the best versions of themselves" and who will help make CBA an even better school community and family. 

The CBA Entrance Exam costs $25 (cash and checks accepted only). All supplies are provided, including snacks. No calculators are allowed. The exam begins is on March 22 at 8:00 a.m. for all students entering 7th and 9th grade in the fall of 2025. 

There are three ways to register for the CBA Entrance Exam:

* In-person at our annual Open House (last Sunday in Oct.)

* Drop in to CBA and register anytime in our main office

* Just walk in on the morning of the exam and register that day between 7:30 a.m.-7:55 a.m.

We look forward to welcoming you to take our exam, come show us how smart you are! 

Early Decision

This option is for students (entering grades 7-10) who have decided that CBA is where they would like to continue their education for the fall of 2025.  It allows accepted families to “reserve a spot early”, to have first access to financial aid and scholarship funds, and to participate in the Brothers Bound shadowing experience. The early application deadline is Friday, December 6th, 2024.  Letters of decision will be mailed by January 10, 2025. 

Regular Decision

This option is for students (entering grades 7-10) who have decided in the spring to pursue the option of a CBA education for the Fall of 2025. Regular decision candidates have all the benefits of the early decision applicants, however there may be diminished financial resources and space constraints in certain grade levels, particularly for transfer students in grades 8-10. The Entrance Exam for regular decision for students entering 7th and 9th grade is Saturday, March 22. The regular decision application deadline is April 3, 2025.  Letters of decision will be mailed by April 9, 2025. 

How To Apply

Please complete Part 1 of the CBA application online. After processing by CBA,  you will receive instructions on how to download and print off Parts 2 and 3. Part 2 is filled out by the applicant (print or cursive writing) and signed. Part 3 is filled out by parents/guardians and signed.

For 7th grade applicants: Send in Parts 2 and 3 (in hardcopy format) to our Admissions office, along with a copy of the applicant’s end of year 5th grade report card, and a copy of the first report card of 6th grade.

For 9th grade applicants: Send in Parts 2 and 3 (in hardcopy format) to our Admissions office, along with a copy of applicant’s end of year 7th grade report card, and a copy of the first report card of 8th grade.

For 8th and 10th grade applicants: Follow the protocol listed above, with the appropriate grade levels reflecting last years and this year’s report cards.

Please send all hardcopy paperwork (by the appropriate deadlines) to:

Mrs. Holly Dowd, Vice President of Enrollment Management
Admissions Office
Christian Brothers Academy
6245 Randall Road
Syracuse, NY 13214-2501 

Check Out The Different Ways To Visit CBA