There’s something for everyone at CBA!!!
- Art Club
- BOLT Leaders
- Brother’s Idol
- Brothers News Network
- Christmas Semi-formal
- Dramatics
- Engineering Club Envirothon
- French Club
- Faith In Film Club
- Forensics & Mock Trial
- Global Awareness Club
- Greenhouse Club
- Homecoming Dance
- Junior High Talent Cabaret
- Junior Prom
- Lasallian Service Group
- Masterminds
- Math Team
- Model UN
- National Honor Society
- Photography Club
- Peer Ministry
- Robotics/VEX Robotics
- Rubix Cube Club
- Salsa Dancing Club
- Science Olympiad
- SciExcite
- Senior High Book Club
- Senior Prom
- Ski/Snowboarding Club
- Social Media/Marketing
- Spanish Club
- Spiritual Retreats
- Spirit Week
- Student Senate
- Students Offering Support
- The Monthly Brother
- The Underground Magazine
- Writer’s Guild
- Yearbook
And more!