For over 120 years, Christian Brothers Academy has been serving and educating the Syracuse community with our doors and arms open to everyone, irrespective of background, ethnicity, race, religion, gender, wealth, or self-identity. For generations, the driving force behind our policy of inclusivity and respect for diversity has been our Catholic tradition and our LaSallian heritage and mission, which recognizes and celebrates the inherent human dignity of each and every individual, as we are all children of a loving God.
"De La Salle founded schools to serve the underprivileged and forgotten children of France. De La Salle gave away all of his hierarchical titles and earthly possessions to stand in solidarity with those seeking justice through education. Throughout our Lasallian history, the Brothers and Lasallian partners have continued to seek out those who are victims of injustice while offering an education that reflects respect and inclusivity. As a school community, we believe that our school is a place for building equity, understanding, and for active engagement in creating pathways to freedom and justice for all people.”
Let it be stated clearly and unambiguously that calling oneself LaSallian is not relegated only to those of the Christian faith. Many faith-filled people professing other creeds participate daily in the LaSallian Educational Mission. They are a valued part of this community...It is our hope that students of all religions would graduate from our LaSallian schools professing their beliefs more faithfully and be committed to the construction of a better world.” Associated for the LaSallian Mission...an act of HOPE, Brothers of the Christian Schools, Circular 461, 2010, General Council, Rome, Italy, page 36.
We are all created in the image of God
LGBTQ, Jewish, Muslim, Black, Brown, Male, Female, Non-Binary, Disabled, Catholic, Christian, White, Asian
Diversity by the Numbers

What we are proud of?
School Leadership Team: 57% Female
Where we want to go?
New Hires in the Past 4 Years: 15% People of Color; Goal: 25% of New Hires are People of Color
Guiding Principles with Respect to Diversity:
- As a Catholic, LaSallian institution, CBA Syracuse was founded on and adheres to the seminal Christian belief that love, respect, compassion, inclusion, social justice, dignity, and equality are at the heart of all relationships. These beliefs are the core of our philosophy of education and they are intentionally incorporated into every facet of our student experience.
- We are a global, multicultural association of people from varied backgrounds, faiths, ethnicities, cultures, and identities. CBA promotes and celebrates the diversity in our school community as we seek to foster an atmosphere of respect and understanding of our different backgrounds. We aim to cultivate an equity-minded, diverse, inclusive-for-all community as we look back with pride in our past and look forward with faith in our future.
- CBA is welcoming to people of all faiths, recognizing non-Catholics as valued parts of a LaSallian community, in accordance with Circular 461, which says: “Let it be stated clearly and unambiguously that calling oneself LaSallian is not relegated only to those of the Christian faith. Many faith filled people professing other creeds participate daily in the LaSallian educational Mission. They are a valued part of this community...It is our hope that students of all religions would graduate from our LaSallian schools professing their beliefs more faithfully and be committed to the construction of a better world.” Associated for the LaSallian Mission...an act of HOPE, Brothers of the Christian Schools, Circular 461, 2010, General Council, Rome, Italy, page 36.
- We recognize that diversity and differing perspectives strengthen community, innovation, growth, creativity, and resilience. We encourage both dialogue with and engagement with difference as a lived experience in our classrooms and interactions with each other as pathways to truth.
- Discrimination based on race, gender, culture, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation has no place in the LaSallian educational mission, nor at CBA Syracuse. We recognize that the dynamics and conditions of racism intersect with other expressions of human identity. We are all children of God, with common concerns and common dreams.
- Relationships are central to our educational philosophy and pedagogy. Our Founder said that “Touching the hearts of your students is the greatest miracle you can perform; a miracle which God demands of you...for this is the purpose of your work”. Thus, nurturing relationships with students that are characterized by bonds of mutual respect, cooperation, generosity, patience, and gentleness, is at the core of our daily interactions with students, all our students, in our classrooms and in all school-related activities. Our faculty and staff are to treat each and every student as though they were younger brothers and sisters.
- LaSallian educators are to give special attention to students most in need (academically, socially, economically, physically, and spiritually), and those marginalized by society, culture, and circumstance. It is our duty to provide extra support, encouragement, and love for those in the most need.
- Justice, diversity, inclusion, and Catholic Social Teaching are integral parts of our curriculum; courses, textbooks used, and student work seek to incorporate justice and peace themes and issues, present diverse points of view, and promote social equality and responsibility.
- We recognize the need for ongoing evaluation, dialogue, and revisioning to meet the needs of our ever-changing community.